Google Charts Widget

The Google Charts Widget uses the wrapper directive for Google Chart Tools angular-google-charts to create several types of charts.


This widget requires a Data Source to provide data for the chart. The following table illustrates the configuration properties available (required properties are marked in bold):

Property JSON Key Default Description
Data Source dataSource   Name of the Data Source providing table-like data for this Widget
Chart Type chartType   Type of the chart
Options options   JSON object with configuration options for the chart. Refer to the Google Charts API documentation of the selected chart type to see the list of available options.
Columns columns   Array of columns of the table-like dataset. If not provided, the column labels will be inferred from the keys of the first dataset object. Note that this property must be used if some columns contain dates, times or datetimes or if the column role should differ from “data” (e.g. for annotations; see roles).
Formatters formatters   Optional JavaScript functions that will be applied to all the values of the specified datasource columns


Options property provides configuration options for the chart. Please refer to the Google Charts API documentation of the selected chart type to see the list of available options.


Columns property specifies how to read dataset columns, i.e., their names and types. While columns with strings, numbers and booleans can be easily identified, this property is useful for datasets containing dates or times, which are otherwise not recognized by the directive.

Property JSON Key Default Description
Name name   Indicates the name of the data source field to use for this column
Type type string Type of the column values
Role role data Optional role of the column

Note that columns with role “annotation” must immediately follow the series column that should be annotated, and columns with role “annotationText” must follow the annotated column.


Formatters property specifies an array of JavaScript functions to format data in a given dataset column.

Property JSON Key Description
Column Name columnName Indicates the name of the datasource column
Formatter formatter The function must take a single value as argument and return the new value

In the following example, dates in the column named Day are given a different datetime format:

"formatters": [{
    "columnName": "Day",
    "formatter": "p = function(value){ return moment(value, 'YYYY-MM-DD').format('dd DD'); }"


Basic column chart

JavaScript data source:

  • Name: prices
  • Processor:
e = function(promise){
    var data = [{
        Product: 'Book',
        Price: 15.00
        Product: 'Pencil',
        Price: 0.50
        Product: 'Water bottle',
        Price: 1.50
        Product: 'Bread',
        Price: 2.0
        Product: 'Cake',
        Price: 20.00

    return promise.resolve(data);

Google Charts widget:

    "chartType": "ColumnChart",
    "dataSource": "prices",
    "options": "{\n    \"legend\": {\"position\": \"bottom\"},\n}",
    "widget": "gchart"

Column chart with formatter

    "chartType": "ColumnChart",
    "dataSource": "prices",
    "formatters": [{
        "columnName": "Price",
        "formatter": "p = function(value){\n    return value - (value*10)/100;\n}"
    "options": "{\n    \"legend\": {\"position\": \"bottom\"},\n    \"title\": \"Product Prices with 10% Discount\",\n    \"colors\": [\"#ff00ee\"],\n}",
    "widget": "gchart"

Line chart with date column

JavaScript data source:

  • Name: values

  • Processor:

    e = function(promise){
        var data = [{
            Day: new Date(2018,01,01),
            Value: 15.00
            Day: new Date(2018,01,02),
            Value: 0.50
            Day: new Date(2018,01,03),
            Value: 1.50
            Day: new Date(2018,01,04),
            Value: 2.0
            Day: new Date(2018,01,05),
            Value: 20.00
        return promise.resolve(data);

Google Charts widget:

    "chartType": "LineChart",
    "columns": [{
        "name": "Day",
        "type": "date"
    "dataSource": "values",
    "options": "{\n    \"legend\": {\"position\": \"bottom\"},\n    \"title\": \"Value by Day\",\n    \"colors\": [\"#ff00ee\"],\n}",
    "widget": "gchart"