API Manager Installation

WSO2 API Manager is an open source approach that addresses full API lifecycle management, monetization, and policy enforcement.

WSO2 API Manager is a unique open approach to full lifecycle API development, integration and management. As part of the larger Digital Hub Platform, it is a central component used to deploy and manage API-driven ecosystems. It’s hybrid integration capabilities further simplify projects that span traditional as well as microservice environments.

It allows extensibility and customization, and ensures freedom from lock-in.
The customized version of APIM inside Digital Hub can be set up following these steps:

Installation Requirements

1. Download the API Manager 2.6.0

Get the binary version from here

2. Database SetUp

Replace the default H2 db with mysql
  • using mysql as database

    - mysql -u root -p
    - create database regdb character set latin1 (*);
    - GRANT ALL ON regdb.* TO regadmin@localhost IDENTIFIED BY "regadmin";
    - quit;


character set is for windows only

  • copy mysql connector (i.e. mysql-connector-java-__-bin.jar) into repository/components/lib, downloadable from https://dev.mysql.com/downloads/connector/j

  • edit /repository/conf/datasources/master-datasources.xml

    • for the datasources WSO2_CARBON_DB and WSO2AM_DB, make these changes:

    • launch the following scripts (for MySQL 5.7 use versions __.5.7.sql):

      mysql -u regadmin -p -Dregdb < dbscripts/mysql.sql
      mysql -u regadmin -p -Dregdb < dbscripts/apimgt/mysql.sql

3. AAC integration Authentication and Authorization Controller (AAC)

Clone the project that contains the AAC connector and WSO2 custom theme: https://github.com/smartcommunitylab/API-Manager

3.1. APIM-AAC connector

  • build wso2aac.client project with Maven.
  • copy wso2aac.client-1.0.jar from the project API-Manager/wso2aac.client to the WSO2 directory repository/components/lib

3.2. APIM configurations

  • In repository/conf/api-manager.xml, change APIKeyManager and set ConsumerSecret with the value found in AAC for the client with clientId API_MGT_CLIENT_ID

  • In repository/conf/api-manager.xml, uncomment RemoveOAuthHeadersFromOutMessage and set it to false

  • In repository/conf/identity/identity.xml
    • find

      <OAuthScopeValidator class="org.wso2.carbon.identity.oauth2.validators.JDBCScopeValidator"/>
    • and replace with

      <OAuthScopeValidator class="it.smartcommunitylab.wso2aac.keymanager.CustomJDBCScopeValidator"/>
    • and in SupportedGrantTypes section disable saml2-bearer and ntlm and add:

  • In repository/conf/carbon.xml, enable email username

  • In repository/conf/user-mgt.xml, add the following property to <UserStoreManager>

    <Property name="UsernameWithEmailJavaScriptRegEx">^[\S]{3,30}$</Property>

3.3. APIM theming

  • copy the contents of project API-Manager/wso2.custom into the WSO2 directory

4. Keystore configuration

Import and add WSO2 certificate to the default keystore.

  • sudo rm -f cert.pem && sudo echo -n | openssl s_client -connect localhost:9443 | sed -ne ‘/-BEGIN CERTIFICATE-/,/-END CERTIFICATE-/p’ > ./cert.pem
  • sudo keytool -import -trustcacerts -file cert.pem -alias root -keystore JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security/cacerts
  • keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore <<wso2_root>>/repository/resources/security/wso2carbon.jks -destkeystore wso2.p12 -srcstoretype jks -deststoretype pkcs12 -alias wso2carbon -destkeypass 123456


    use a temporary password (such ‘123456’) for destination keystore and PEM passphrase, empty password for origin and “wso2carbon” for wso2carbon password.

  • openssl pkcs12 -in wso2.p12 -out wso2.pem

  • Edit wso2.pem and keep only the part between —–BEGIN CERTIFICATE—– and —–END CERTIFICATE—–

    • keytool -import -trustcacerts -file wso2.pem -alias root -keystore “%JAVA_HOME%/jre/lib/security/cacerts”


java cacerts default password is “changeit”


keytool is bugged in most java 8 versions, returning a java.util.IllegalFormatConversionException: d != java.lang.String

5. Proxy server configuration (Apache)

5.1. Configure proxy for apps

  • Configure proxy publisher and subscriber apps: repository/deployment/server/jaggeryapps/publisher/site/conf/site.json (same for store):

    • context: /publisher
    • host: < mydomain.com >, e.g., am-dev.smartcommunitylab.it
  • Configure management console: repository/conf/carbon.xml

    • <HostName>am-dev.smartcommunitylab.it</HostName>
    • <MgtHostName>am-dev.smartcommunitylab.it</MgtHostName>
  • Configure WSO2 Tomcat reverse proxy: repository/conf/tomcat/catalina-server.xml

    • Add parameters to 9443 connector:

    • Configure Apache Virtual Host:

      • port 80: redirect port 80 to 443
      • port 443: ProxtPath and ProxyPathReverse / to ip:9443/

5.2. API Gateway

  • Configure Gateway endpoint: repository/conf/api-manager.xml:

  • Configure axis2 transport Ins (http and https): add the following parameters:

    <parameter name="proxyPort" locked="false">80</parameter>
    <parameter name="hostname" locked="false">api-dev.smartcommunitylab.it</parameter>
  • Configure Apache Virtual Host:

    • port 80: ProxtPath and ProxyPathReverse / to ip:8280/
    • port 443: ProxtPath and ProxyPathReverse / to ip:8243/

6. API-M Custom User Store Manager

In order to provide the necessary infrastructure for allowing API-M to interact with Oganization Manager it is important to deploy the two new bundles that extend the existing UserStoreManagerService admin. This extension is done in order to permit the admin account to create,update,delete users and assign/revoke roles within specific tenants.

The configuration steps are the following:

  • build orgmanager-wso2connector project with Maven.
  • copy apim.custom.user.store-0.0.1.jar from the project orgmanager-wso2connector/apim.custom.user.store to the WSO2 directory repository/components/dropins
  • copy apim.custom.user.store.stub-0.0.1.jar from the project orgmanager-wso2connector/apim.custom.user.store.stub to the WSO2 directory repository/components/dropins

As a result the new admin stub can be accessible from the following endpoint: https://$APIM_URL/services/CustomUserStoreManagerService

Configuration using docker

Docker resources for each of the component of the platform, including APIM, help you build generic Docker images for deploying the corresponding servers in containerized environments.
Configurations, custom JDBC drivers other than the default MySQL JDBC driver provided, extensions and other deployable artifacts are designed to be provided via volume mounts to the containers spawned.
Set up the parameters in the apim.env file according to the explanation provided in the table below:
Property Default Description
APIM_USER admin The name of the admin user
APIM_PASS admin The password of the admin user
APIM_HOSTNAME api-manager The name of the running container of apim
APIM_REVERSEPROXY api.platform.local The name of reverse proxy in the nginx config
APIM_GATEWAYENDPOINT gw.platform.local The value of gateway
ANALYTICS_HOSTNAME am-analytics The name of the running container of apim analytics
AAC_HOSTNAME aac The name of the container running AAC
AAC_CONSUMERKEY f04ca519XXXX The value of consumer key from AAC console for APIM Client App
AAC_CONSUMERSECRET e181bf39XXXX The value of consumer secret from AAC console for APIM Client App
AAC_REVERSEPROXY aac.platform.local The reverse proxy value for AAC
APIM_MYSQL_HOSTNAME mysql The name of the running container of mysql instance
APIM_MYSQL_USER wso2carbon MySQL db username
APIM_MYSQL_PASS wso2carbon MySQL db password

Keep in mind that, if you need to restart the container, you should remove it via docker rm -f container_name_or_id and then run it again. Stopping and restarting the container without removing it will result in an error.