
Presto ( is an open source distributed SQL query engine, originally developed at Facebook, which is able to optimally respond to all the complex analytical queries needed by data scientists by performing fast in-memory operations and directly leveraging the data lake abilities.

The main factor which drives the adoption of such a tool is its unique ability to natively query data directly from where it is stored, being it a RDBMS, an object storage such as Minio, or even an Hadoop cluster, without the need for complex, costly and lengthy ingestion steps, which usually involve copying and transforming data via ETL pipelines. Instead, by directly connecting to backend systems which hold the data, and by leveraging their native capabilities and querying languages, Presto can offer an unified ANSI SQL console with a complete view over the datasets.

By performing in-memory computations, and leveraging a distributed query engine optimized for low latency, Presto is able to offer remarkable performance for queries which span very large datasets (up to petabytes), stored inside different backend systems, all in a transparent way.

Furthermore, Presto offers many advanced capabilities, such as spatial and geographical support, which can be used independently of the presence of the same tools in the backend system.

When paired with an advanced storage system such as Minio, Presto can exploit the advanced querying features of the S3 Select protocol and minimize the amount of data transferred from the backend systems, while also leveraging the push-down of predicates to further reduce the amount of work needed to compile the query results.

Digital Hub integration

Given the specialized and complex tasks performed by Presto, and the vast amount of resources needed to properly handle large datasets, the integration is still in a preliminary phase.

The design of the system requires a direct integration between Presto and the Resource Manager, in order to make Presto aware of the various storage systems and datasets such as RDBMS databases, document collections or object storage buckets.

Furthermore, Presto will have to discover or obtain proper access credentials, either via user delegation through AAC or via direct access to the credentials Vault.

