CKAN Integration

Different modes for the installation of CKAN platform is described in the official documentation (

The integration within the platform relies upon the organization and user model of the CKAN platform and the multi-tenancy model supported by the DigitalHub platform. To guarantee the alignment between the two models it is necessary to

  • align the tenants (organizations) and the corresponding users
  • align the authentication mechanism to support the appropriate authorization models and Single Sign-On.

More specifically, multitenancy in CKAN is based on the concept of Organization. The datasets published are associated to a specific organization and managed by that organization. The model of roles made available by AAC and managed by the Organization Manager allows for modelling these concepts.

To allow for authentication and authorization using AAC, CKAN provides extension plugins, in particular, OAuth2.0 authentication plugin. The existing plugins, however, do not allow for a sophisticated user and organization management, and have been extended within the DigitalHub. In particular, the new CKAN extension allows for

  • authentication of the users based on AAC OAuth2.0 integration
  • understanding the roles and organizations of the authenticated user
  • registering dynamically the organization and the users within CKAN

CKAN DigitalHub OAuth2.0 Plugin Installation

The plugin is a Python module that is installed within the CKAN platform following the standard CKAN process.

To install the plugin, enter your virtualenv and install the package using pip as follows:

pip install git+

Add the following to your CKAN .ini (generally /etc/ckan/default/production.ini) file::

ckan.plugins = oauth2 <other-plugins>

## OAuth2 configuration

ckan.oauth2.register_url = https://YOUR_OAUTH_SERVICE/users/sign_up
ckan.oauth2.reset_url = https://YOUR_OAUTH_SERVICE/users/password/new
ckan.oauth2.edit_url = https://YOUR_OAUTH_SERVICE/settings
ckan.oauth2.authorization_endpoint = https://YOUR_OAUTH_SERVICE/authorize
ckan.oauth2.token_endpoint = https://YOUR_OAUTH_SERVICE/token
ckan.oauth2.profile_api_url = https://YOUR_OAUTH_SERVICE/user
ckan.oauth2.client_id = YOUR_CLIENT_ID
ckan.oauth2.client_secret = YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET
ckan.oauth2.scope = profile other.scope
ckan.oauth2.rememberer_name = auth_tkt
ckan.oauth2.profile_api_user_field = JSON_FIELD_TO_FIND_THE_USER_IDENTIFIER
ckan.oauth2.profile_api_fullname_field = JSON_FIELD_TO_FIND_THE_USER_FULLNAME
ckan.oauth2.profile_api_mail_field = JSON_FIELD_TO_FIND_THE_USER_MAIL
ckan.oauth2.authorization_header = OAUTH2_HEADER
ckan.oauth2.profile_api_groupmembership_field = JSON_FIELD_TO_FIND_USER_ROLES_IN_ORGANIZATIONS
ckan.oauth2.sysadmin_group_name = NAME_OF_THE_SYSADMIN_GROUP

The profile_api_groupmembership_field should be a list of strings or JSON objects with the org field representing the organization, and role representing the role. The first case is for compatibility wirth the original plugin. May contain the sysadmin_group_name value to map the user into the CKAN sysadmin role.

The role value should be one of admin, editor, or member. If the value is different, it will be cast to member.

You can also use environment variables to configure this plugin, the name of the environment variables are::


The callback URL that you should set on your OAuth 2.0 is: https://YOUR_CKAN_INSTANCE/oauth2/callback, replacing YOUR_CKAN_INSTANCE by the machine and port where your CKAN instance is running.